Continued Work on Untitled

This weekend I had some time (due to procrastinating on college assignments) to work on Untitled. I decided to spend it on the revised main menu, I would say the menu is about 70% finished.

My goal with the new main menu is to make the game more accessible. I don’t want to flood new players with a bunch of options and settings when they start the game. I also wanted to give the main menu more of a game menu feeling. The last major thing is to tie the leaderboards into the game.

The first thing I did was make the world generation, and options menus hide able. Now when you click Play the world Generation options are shown, with a Start Game button. I also changed the difficulty display, to accommodate a newer idea I had. I recently had the idea to add in preset difficulties, so you can click on one of the numbers and it will set your level to the world gen options (this farther addresses the issue of  players not changing their difficulty). A screen capture shows this best:

The Options menu was also changed to be hidden. The Graphical User Interface box was removed, and replaced with a toggle-able text (On or Off button). I also added the new Leaderboard option toggle to the Options menu (for what displays when you finish the level).

The leaderboard section isn’t finished yet. The plan is to show ten scores, that are view-able by difficulty, overall, or one of each (the new default for the in game leaderboard). There will also be buttons to set your world generation options. This isn’t intended to replace the leaderboard on the website, the website version shows hundreds of scores, where the in game menu will show 10 of each difficulty.

While I was working on the menu today I had a new idea, that I plan to implement. With the options menu hidden now, I want to make the Username easy to set. My thought is to have a splash page come up the first time you run the game. There will be a username box to set your username with, as well as information about the presets, and a few of the options that may not be clear like Leaderboard Display, and Leaderboard Submission. I plan to change the leaderboard score submission, so instead of having to push submit after each level, it will just submit the score. The Leaderboard Submission option will let you choose how the score submission is handled (Automatically, push the button, or never) I hope to see many more scores because of this change.

So unless something changes that is some of what will be changed in Beta 4.

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