Using the rest of my weekend I finished up the Leaderboard, and made sure everything was working correctly. I’m happy with the list of changes (some small things could still change)
Beta 4
– Redesigned Main Menu
– Main Menu uses Level Generation settings for the background
– Added Powerups to the menu background
– Added Orange and Violet colors to the menu background
– Added 10 Presets for World Generation options (configurable in config.ini)
– Added Option for Leaderboard Display (One of each Difficulty, or Matching difficulty (same difficulty as your level generation settings)
– Added Option for Leaderboard Submission (Automatically, Submit Button)
– Changed Graphical User Interface from a button, to a text toggle.
– Added a real time paged Leaderboard viewer to the Main Menu. Pick difficulty, then view all scores, 10 at a time.
– Added All Around Games logo to the Main Menu, click to go to the All around games website.
– Added Orange and Violet Powerups
– Updated graphics for all colored objects
– New backgrounds for Menus, and Text
– Better screen Resizing, menus move when you resize the window
– Added Play buttons to the end of level leaderboard, to play the same level as the score setter.
– Fixed a bug that allowed your multiplier above 10
– en.ini removed:
– [menu]:Level Generation
– en.ini Added:
– [menu]:Options, Leaderboard, Quit, Getting_Started, New Folder: lang/start/en.txt, gui_on, gui_off, Leaderboard_display, ldrbdis_One_Of_Each_Difficulty, ldrbdis_Matching_Difficulty, Leaderboard_Submission, ldrbsub_Automatically, ldrbsub_Submit_Button, Start_Level
-[gui]: Play
The Leaderboard on the Main Menu I decided to do differently and separate from the end of level one. I wanted it to be able to view an unlimited number of pages, so rather than being locked to just viewing 10 results, you can see hundreds. The screenshot above shows difficulty 8, page 2. The drawback is I wasn’t able to come up with a way to know if there is another page or not, so you could keep hitting Next Page, and never see another result. (its easy to get back to page 1 though) I would like to figure out how to stop it from going to an empty page, and this will be one of my projects throughout the week.
Next weekend I plan to release Beta 4, unless I find something else I want to improve on. Right now I am quite happy with the changes and improvements. More than likely after Beta 4 is out, I will begin working on the new version of Alone In Space the next major project I want to focus on. I want to expand the game, and attempt to tell an interesting and captivating story. I also want to make the levels faster to complete. More on this later.
Then a month after Beta 4 releases, I plan to release the final (ish) 1.0 version of the game. Once 1.0 is release I will just do a bug fix when needed. Sometime in between the two I will be revisiting the Untitled website, and adding additional information. Did you know you can add your own sound effects to Untitled? Music? there are many customization bits in the config.ini that I have mentioned, but I would like to dedicate a page of the website to them, with mention on the front page.