Ythmeven: Meet Strawberry, and Ludum Dare #23


This past week has been a hard/long one, with testing and reports due. But I managed to get a little of the background story for Ythmeven drafted. Meet Strawberry:

Strawberry was a rival Artificial Intelligence to Aurora, until being absorbed by the Aurora Corporation. That is the one line version of the story, but by next weekend I intend to release a full story that details the creation of Aurora. This will also set the current stage for the game, one corporation will be in control of the economy. I also added a new wallpaper of Strawberry to the Ythmeven Teaser Website. The IndieDB Page was also updated with news renders of Strawberry.

Luudum Dare #23

I will be participating in Ludum Dare 23, using Construct Classic, Photoshop, and some other tools. My goal for this Ludum Dare is to:

1. Make a finished game, I want the game to have a tutorial, as many levels as possible, and an ending.

2. I want to make some kind of art game, and try to get away from the obvious concepts.

The theme voting is on Round 5, the last round before theme announcement. In the last round of voting I gave out six plus 1 votes, and fourteen minus 1 votes.

Build It, Then Use It

This is the theme I like the best, when I saw this theme I immediately had six different game ideas.

Castles In the Sky

I voted for this one because McFunkypants told me too…


A pitty vote, it has made it to the final round a number of times, but has never been the theme. There are quite a few different ways you could interpret and use the theme as well.

Limited Resources

One of my goals with Ythmeven is to create a feeling of Limited Resources, everything would take time to do, and the only resource that would exist would be those the player gathers. I’d be interested to see what I could pull off in forty-eight hours, as a  2D game.


I’m going to school for Fine Art, and my favorite art movement is Minimalism. I associate my own work with minimalism more than anything. The Unknown Puzzle game uses a minimalism inspired art style. Another theme that I have many ideas for.

Parallel Universes

My least favorite plus 1 vote now that I have thought about it. Still there is a lot you could do with the theme.


At the end of Ludum Dare Weekend I will make a wrap up post here, otherwise I will be posting at least nightly on the Ludum Dare website.

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