It has been a long time sense I have made a post here, over a year in fact…
So what happened? Well YouTube happened, I started creating videos for Minecraft to upload to YouTube, and sense then I haven’t stopped. In fact it has only grown from that point.
The plan for the blog has changed some, as I am not doing much game development stuff at this time. I will be writing blog posts about YouTube, and my thoughts on different topics of YouTube.
I will also be posting more about Ludum Dare or other GameJams (when I participate) on here. The Ludum Dare compo blog gets so many posts when an event is happening that your post gets buried quick, so I will be mirroring them here on this blog.
The next Ludum Dare is Next weekend (23rd-25th), and I would like to participate in it. Right now I don’t know if that will be possible, as I will be going back to my apartment in Chico and starting school on the Monday after. Ludum Dare has collided with the start and end of my semesters sense I started at Chico. But so far I have yet to miss a Ludum Dare event.
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