A new Year, A new Look, and a new Commitment

If you are seeing this page, then you have already seen the new look for the All Around Games website. This look is partially a reset to how the website looked in 2010, but it is also an updating to how the website is handled. The old website used a table for the layout needs, this was the way I learned to do websites early on and I just kept using the same tried and true method. I still don’t like CSS, but it does have its uses, so I went ahead and switched the layout over to use CSS. I also brought the Blog (powered by wordpress) under the umbrella of the new website, because a uniformed look is important. (and it was something that always bothered me with the Blog)

If you have forgotten what the old website looked like here is an image to remind you…

Desktop 1-1-2016 12-14-23 AM-616

All Around games Website from 2010 to end of 2015

I have resumed working on Ythmeven, a project that I started back in 2012 right after finishing Untitled. Lets just say that I bit off more that I could chew back then and I just stumped myself in a corner. Then the YouTube started and I was lost for around 3 years to the blight of trying to build a YouTube Gaming Channel. 2016 is going to mark a large return to the gamedev side of things for me. Next week I will be making a blog post outlining my Phases of Development, a sort of guideline that I intend to adhere to. The entire goal of the outline is to focus a lot more on community building/interacting, while still being realistic about developing a game.

At different times I’m sure I have mentioned monetization of Video Games, I am still committed to making games that are 100% Free. I don’t view this project as a money making venture. As such if I ever had the ability to make money from a game I created it would be via Patron with a few appearance awards (think colored names/icons)

As far as the development on Ythmeven goes currently, I have started to relearn what I wrote back in 2012. There are also a few changed that I want to make. In the old code I had a mysql row for each sector in the system, so for ever spot you could move to there was a entry for it. This is such a useless way of handling the data that I’ll be redoing that. Apart from that I am still trying to remember some of my intentions. I gave the players Ratings that they could gain experience in, such as Maneuverability (moving you ship), Efficiency (Gathering raw materials), and Barter (Trading with ports). I also had it marked for a Speed, and an Effectiveness rating. I just don’t remember what the plan was for these ratings, I know that Efficiency is used when you gather materials from the sector. Outside of that I don’t believe the others are in use. Part of me is tempted to scrap it entirely and write it all from scratch, but there is so little here that it just doesn’t matter (it will take just as long to rewrite as it will to check it all over) My goal is within two weeks to have the current systems fixed up to be more efficient.

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