TinyNuke by levelbylevel – A 2D platformer score game. It has some great sound effects.
Tiny World by pag – A short game about collecting tiny planets to help colonize a large planet. Avoid the red, collect the others. Has music and sound.
Tiny world by cocoloco113 – You can move a character sprite back and forth across a screen…but nothing else.
Tiny World by piterlouis – A score game, that you have to defend a tiny planet from incoming colored asteroids, while letting some through.
Tiny World? Yes! by MickeyBlumental– A score game, you control two characters, one that can destroy the spaceships, and you have to protect the other who is vulnerable.
Monday: (A day of Dual Titled Web games)
Tiny War by Aidan – A twin stick platformer shooter game. Have music and sound effects.
Tiny War by VDOgamez – A strategy game, more or less the same as Galcon, just with rotating planets.
Tiny World War by hannobraun – A strategy game, use your satellites to control the world, before your friends controls it instead (2 player game)
Tiny World War by jimmypaulin – A top down shooter game…except you forgot your gun so you can dive and crawl.
Cruel space by Stalker_23b– A really cool shooter game that is set on tiny worlds. 3D Unity game.
Phi-projekt by Ailys – A music creation platform.
(Tiny) Worlds of Illusion by madmaw – oh man…a game about optical illusions, most optical illusions go right over me, and I don’t see them. This game was no different, just looks like black or colored dots to me.
100seconds’World by Angerus – A game about a planet that lives and dies in 100 seconds. You get to build or plant on the planet to get a score.
2 Tiny Gods by Tulrath – Capture planets, and shoot things, what else should a god do?
6 Degrees of Sabotage by dukope – This is a game about perception, you have to catch five people who passed a note around.
so small by davidpeter – A click adventure game.
70 seconds left by emveyh – A score game, your goal is to destroy buildings and get the highest score.
9Lives by TheGamingProject – A platform adventure game about cat people.
A Cube Race by EddNorris – A 3D platformer puzzle game.
A Flying Shame by spiral – A score game based on distance traveled.
Inside My Radio by TurboDindon – A music game, that you have to move with the tempo.
Tiny World by God Mode Edition – A strategy game you play got, and need to keep your followers happy.
ONLY US by Datamosh – An exploration platformer game.
A Giant Step by Quinas – A game that you try to avoid smashing stuff on the floor.
a little place. by startling – A game of war between circles and squares, between white and color. Strategy in nature.
Planet Gravity by Jens Nolte – A game that you have to survive for as long as possible without floating away.
Spaceways by roundcrisis – A strategy game, a good well rounded entry.
Incursion by Jerm – Kill the monsters, without dying. Multiple levels, but on the hard side.
Tiny Adventures In SPACE by Jacic – A game set it space, avoid sharp objects, collect food objects.
It’s a Small World: The F.P.S. by philhassey – Shoot the target game…its silly 🙂
Planet Life by Sos – The only thing that is missing from the cycle of life intended by society is shitting…the food has to come out.
Zephyr by cadin – A game about guiding forest spirits down to land on flowers. Score based.
Out for arrest by Kyatric – A locate the bad guys game.
Solar Thief by JellyFame – A top down shooter game set in space, go from planet to planet and destroy the enemies.
A Tiny Planet by PabloAlexandre31 – An adventure game about gaining power.