First I would like to welcome you to the new blog, I decided to move away from the old blog page (that really just displayed topics from a forum. To an actual blog software (WordPress of course 🙂 ) I wanted to have the full features of a blog, without the headache of writing code to make the previous blog do what I want (categories, tags, RSS syndication, and easy image upload) So here we are on
Untitled Beta 3 was released a few days ago on the 19th. With it the website launched, to give a preview of the game, as well as provide a complete leaderboard that can be sorted. So what are you waiting for, go download and play and don’t forget to submit your highscore, and beat out my own scores.
In the next version I will be concentrating on finishing touches, ideas I’m considering:
– New font for the title, and play button
– Changing the Settings menu once again (ideally it would be collapsible)
– Adding a play button to the in game leaderboard (the one when you finish a level) that will allow you to quickly play the same level as the score setter.
There will be a Beta 4 that will be largely cosmetic changes as mention above (I’m open to suggestions, just leave a comment, or email me) Most likely after Beta 4 the game will be officially release.